

Boruch Baum


libhdate is a C library for Hebrew calendar information, including dates, holidays, and times of day. The package includes: hcal, a command line Hebrew calendar program; hdate, a command line program for date and times of day information; and a collection of library bindings to other programming languages (C++, pascal, python, perl, ruby, php). There are also some snippets and scripts written in the binding languages. Libhdate-Glib is a gobject wrapper for libhdate.

How do I get the latest and greatest version?

libhdate has been a stable, finished product for many years, but is still getting further development (2018) The most recent, bleeding-edge, development build is also available, with all it's snazzy new features (and possible bugs and hiccups), via git checkout (see below).

The latest and greatest stable release of libhdate is version 1.6.02, released January 02, 2013. If your distribution maintains a packaged version of libhdate, it's always recommended to download and install the package using your distribution's package manager from your distribution's repository. If your distribution doesn't have a copy of version 1.6.02, and your distribution is compatible with Debian, you should be able to use the Debian package, available here (thanks, Lior Kaplan). Otherwise, version 1.6.02, is available for all as a source tarball here. Download the file, unpack it, and follow the instructions in the INSTALL readme file.

The most recent, bleeding-edge, development build is also available, with all it's snazzy new features (and possible bugs and hiccups), via git. You can browse the git repository online here and use the web interface to download a snapshot. Alternatively, you can perform a git checkout from the command line. For that,, run:

# select a place to put the download
mkdir foobar && cd foobar
# download the material using git
git clone --branch=main --depth=1 libhdate-git

The project had in the past used different version control software, and that old data is, for the meantime, still accessible; however, the entire commit history should have been migrated to the git repository. Anyway, for reference, here's the obsolete svn repository information:

mkdir foobar && cd foobar  # select a place to put the download
# download the material using subversion
svn co .
cd libhdate                # navigate to the actual root directory
autoreconf -fi             # preconfigure, using gnu autoconf
./configure --prefix=/usr  # configure
make                       # build, for local use 
make install               # install system-wide

More information on this wiki

Do browse the pages (link on the left menu bar). Besides explaining how to simply and quickly show hdate info on a desktop GUI, it just has the man pages, a preview of the current state of the upcoming version 1.8, and a few awk scripts.


Thanks to Yaacov Zamir for writing the original library, based upon source code from Amos Shapir's hdate package as fixed and patched by Nadav Har'El. Since 2011, maintenance and development is by Boruch Baum.

  • Amos Shapir: Code for date conversion.
  • Zvi Har'El: Tables for the Torah reading sequence.
  • Petr Tomasek: Use of julian.
  • Michael Kaminsky: Diaspora holidays fixes.
  • Moshe Wagner: Diaspora readings fixes.




Feature requests

Bug reports

Other: Leave a comment below. Your comment will be reviewed before being posted publicly and, at your request, will remain private.

Screenshot thumbnail
hdate example output
Screenshot thumbnail
hcal example output

Project Admins:


  • Cherniavsky Beni

    Need to update to git clone --branch=master

  • Boruch Baum

    Boruch Baum - 2022-06-10

    Done. Thank you. Fixed. The 'master' branch had been renamed to 'main'. Also, FYI, the repository is also available on github (and just this second I'm not certain whether the github version is ahead a few commits of this sourceforge version, and I have to rush on something else)


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